Letter From Courtney June 19, 2012Dave’s doctor is telling him that he needs to be drinking a ridiculous amount of water to keep his kidneys healthy while he is taking the anti-rejection medications. It’s hard....
The Perfect Prescription June 11, 2012We love Dr. Lopez. She totally “gets” Dave. And this prescription for a daily slice of lemon meringue pie is proof! Full strength, of course. Last week after we finished...
Graduation May 29, 2012This Saturday Dave was able to attend Paige’s graduation from Biola University. It was a very exciting day for us, not only because we are really proud of Paige in...
Celebrate With Us! May 21, 2012I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders. I will be glad and exult in you; I will sing praise...
Another Long Day May 14, 2012It’s been over a 12-hour day so far, and still counting. We left the house this morning at 6:45 and arrived at Cedars at 8:30. We are definitely gaining an...
Quick Update May 9, 2012Hey friends, Thanks for your continued support through this battle we are in. We know some of you check this site five times a day just hoping for more updates!...