The Latest…
Around midnight on Tuesday night we took Dave to the hospital because of a sudden and extreme headache and fever. This time he was too weak for us to safely get him in the car so we had to call an ambulance to take him to Pomona Valley Hospital. They are taking great care of him here. When there is an available bed at Cedars they will transfer him so that his doctors there can see him. Apparently Cedars is full. (Or maybe they’re just tired of seeing us there. Ha!) Dave is on a lot of pain medications for the headache and antibiotics for the fever. Again. It is helping. He is weak and very tired, but he is improving.
In this long and arduous battle with leukemia, we are extremely grateful for those who are still concerned about Dave and are still praying for him. He continues to fight with all his might to be here with his family and his church. Especially those wonderful grandbabies!
Dave is giving us all an incredible example of perseverance, patience, and courage. He is showing us how to fight the good fight with everything you’ve got and at the same time depend completely on God and reach out for His strength and power every day. Every. Single. Day.
A friend sent us this verse yesterday:
“Praise the Lord; praise God our savior! For each day He carries us in His arms.” Psalms 68:19
Each day we turn to God for that day’s strength. Each and every day God carries us in His arms and that’s exactly where we want to be. We just don’t want to be in any more hospitals!!
We really do appreciate all your prayers and encouragements. They are needed.
The Stoeckleins