It's A Mystery

Doctors are like detectives chasing the clues. Here are the clues: achy and swollen joints, constant headaches, nausea, dizziness, ringing and knocking in ears, twitching, extreme fatigue, and a blotchy rash on face. Crazy! But God is bigger than crazy symptoms and unpredictable days, of that we are confident. 

Recovering from a stem cell transplant is definitely a challenge physically and emotionally. It just takes so much longer than you think it’s going to take. It requires a lot of determination and patience. These last few weeks have been especially challenging, but our doctors are diligently putting the clues together and figuring out a course of action. Today we had three doctors examining Dave and then one of them said, “Dave, you have the experts baffled.” But then she went on to say, “Don’t be sad because it’s not always going to be like this. It is going to get better.” So we will continue to take each day as it comes and live in God’s sustaining grace.

This last weekend was our 22nd anniversary at the church and unfortunately Dave wasn’t able to be there. That was sad, however, we are very thankful that Andrew was able to step up and give the message with only two days notice. God gave him an amazing message of hope found in the “BUT GOD” examples in the Bible. If you weren’t able to be at IHC this weekend or you don’t live in the area, I encourage you to go online and listen to the message. You will be encouraged… and you may even learn something new about football!

We will keep you updated with how Dave is doing with our recent challenges. Please keep praying for Him. This will get better. Thank you so much.

“Sometimes you have to believe God beyond what you can presently see.”

Still believing,

Dave and Carol Stoecklein