Our Cedars visit yesterday was a difficult one. Dave received another chemo treatment going directly into his brain through the port that they placed on Monday. This is the second chemo treatment he has received in this way, and each one has been very difficult. He gets very cold and nauseous in a way that they haven’t been able to control with medications. He is still feeling horrible today. They will be trying another way of pre-medicating him for his treatment on Monday. Let’s pray that it makes a difference.
We also received some discouraging and scary news yesterday. They have seen, at a molecular level, evidence of the Philadelphia Chromosome in Dave’s bone marrow. This is the kind of ALL leukemia that Dave has, and it is very aggressive. This was a big blow to us, but we are not giving up. They will continue with the current treatments, including Dasatinib, which is a medication that specifically targets that chromosome. There is just no way to know what will happen because Dave’s set of circumstances are rare. So we will do everything we can and then trust in God because we knows about every cell and molecule in our bodies. He is the One who knit us together. He is the One who lives inside of us, if we choose to invite Him and include Him in our lives.
On a positive and encouraging note, the leukemia in his brain is responding to the treatments. The doctor said that the brain fluid is now clear of leukemia. That’s very hopeful. They will continue with the treatments to the brain, eventually moving from twice a week to once a week, and then monthly.
Even though this is very overwhelming and discouraging, we fully and completely continue to trust in our Great God. We know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He has the power to heal, and we continue to pray for that. We will live daily through this “assignment,” resting in God’s greatness and love.
Please pray:
1. Spiritual, emotional, and physical strength for Dave.
2. Easier chemo treatment on Monday (2pm).
3. The chemo continues to work!
4. Here’s a very specific one: That the Dasatinib chemo keeps the Philadelphia chromosome from multiplying. Pray that it annihilates that chromosome in his whole entire body!
5. Wisdom for the doctors.
Here’s the Bible verse from our daily reading in Proverbs yesterday that is our firm foundation: “The king’s (doctor’s) heart is in the hand of the Lord; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases.” Proverbs 21:1
Depending on the hand of the Lord,