Home Again

We have been back home now for several days. They have been some of the most difficult days we have experienced on this journey. It’s just so hard to be this sick for this long. After spending a week in the hospital, we took several giant steps backwards in this recovery process and that’s very frustrating and discouraging for Dave. His energy level is extremely low and he is constantly battling pain, weakness, and leg twitching.

But he’s a fighter! Today he was able to rally the strength to lead a staff meeting at the house, teaching our ministry staff some great leadership material. You would never believe that would have been possible if you had seen him yesterday, but God isn’t finished with him yet! There’s still so much that Dave has to teach us, with the way he is living his life as well as the powerful messages he gives us. 

Please, please pray for spiritual, physical, and emotional strength for Dave as he keeps fighting to regain strength and health. Please pray that his body can stay free from infection and pain. Please pray for the continued miracle that he remains free from leukemia. Our family (and many others who truly love Dave) want him to be around for a very, very long time, and we won’t stop praying and doing everything we can.

“Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you. I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. For I, The Lord your God, will hold your right hand. Saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.’” Isaiah 41:10, 13

These are God’s promises to us because we choose to live “in Him” in all of this, every day. That doesn’t mean it’s easy. It’s not. Some of these days and nights are actually horrible. But we are not afraid. We are not liking it, but we are not afraid to live it. We are not afraid of the future. God is giving us His strength. Without His help, without living this “in Him” we would most certainly be destroyed. We are not destroyed and we are looking forward to His healing!!

Held by God,
